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Welcome to Tynker Programming 301!***
Students will use block programming to understand the concepts behind the blocks
In the beginning, the process will be simple! Be sure you do the following things, and you should buzz right through the course!
- Sign in with your school Google account (after joining my Google Classroom)
- Read the tutorial instructions
- Read the tutorial instructions (Yes, I did put that twice - it is important to know why the points are being covered, and the thought behind it)
- Use the NEXT button at the bottom of the tutorial to get to the next section
- Pull the blocks that they give you out of the tutorial itself - if you just go to the blocks and pull them out, it will not let you get to the next steps!
- Save your game when it asks you! You may want to use some of the code that you made in later projects!
An advanced introduction to programming for middle school
This course introduces programming fundamentals to your class as they build two arcade-inspired games from start to finish.
The Adventure Game features a knight who has to defeat enemies to reach treasure. Students program arrow keys, fluid motion, hero and enemy behavior, and winning conditions.
In Dragon Attack, they define multiple levels and lives, and program a boss enemy, while learning about variables and cloning.
Topics Covered: Events, keyboard and mouse interaction, conditional loops, nested loops, sending and receiving messages, fluid motion, parallax scrolling, local and global variables, functions, and object cloning.
- Lesson 1: Introduction
- Lesson 2: Animated Motion
- Lesson 3: Actor Positioning
- Lesson 4: Motion & Tracking
- Lesson 5: Conditional Loops
- Lesson 6: Show & Hide
- Lesson 7: Actor Properties
- Lesson 8: Nested Loops
- Lesson 9: Messaging
- Lesson 10: Start Screen and Controls
- Lesson 11: Shoot Projectiles
- Lesson 12: Parallax Scrolling (Optional)
- Lesson 13: Cloning
- Lesson 14: Variables
- Lesson 15: Powerups and Effects
- Lesson 16: Boss Battle
***All lesson information is from https://www.tynker.com/