Shadow Ridge Middle School Computer Science

Tynker 301

Mrs. Hulstrom


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ISTE Standards

301 Messaging (9) ***

Lesson 9 Introduction Video followed by the solutions: walk-throughs


In this lesson, you will learn how to program Actors to send and receive messages, create a victory message, and create your own adventure game! Coding concepts from this lesson include: When I Receive, Broadcast and Send Message To.

New Code Blocks

  •  : Listen for a message or broadcast from other scripts before activating.
  •  : Broadcast a message to all Actors in the program.


Students will...
  • Use code blocks to program Actors to send and receive messages
  • Create an adventure game


1. Concepts (Video)

  • Bert, the wizard, introduces three coding concepts:
    • When I Receive- you will watch an animated scene that explains that an Actor can send, broadcast, or receive messages.
    • Broadcast- you will watch an example of a “broadcast” code block used on ghost Actors.
    • Send Message To- you will experiment with different code blocks and observe how they affect the ghost Actors.
2. Open the Gate (DIY)
  • In this DIY (do-it-yourself) project, you will follow step-by-step directions to program a pink button to act as a switch to open the castle gate.
  • How to play: Move the knight using arrow keys. When the knight touches the pink button, the gate should open.
  • Wait until” code block delays the broadcast message until the button is touched by the knight.
3. Win Screen (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, you will use messaging to make a victory message appear on the Stage.
  • Optional: If you finish early, ask them to draw on the popup Actor’s costume. They could make it look like this:

4. Add to the Adventure Game (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, you will continue adding to an adventure game.
  • You are provided coded Actors, but will need to customize the game.
  • Analyze each Actor’s code to see what it does.
5. Build Your Own Adventure Game(DIY)
  • In this DIY project, you will apply concepts and code blocks learned in this lesson to create your own adventure game! The project starts off blank, so you will need to add your own background, Actors, and code.
  • Are you struggling to code your Actors? Tell them to use the code in the previous tutorial as a reference.
  • Use your answers during today’s warm-up for inspiration, and challenge them to incorporate your ideas into your game.
6. Quiz (Multiple-choice)

U.S. Standards

  • K-12 CTSA Computer Science Standards (Revised 2017)
    Computer Science Teachers Association:
    • 1B-AP-10
    • 1B-AP-11
    • 1B-AP-12
    • 1B-AP-15
    • 2-AP-12
    • 2-AP-13
    • 2-AP-15
    • 2-AP-16
    • 2-AP-17
    CCSS-Math: MP.1
  • CCSS-ELA: RF.5.4.A, 6-8.RST.3, 6-8.RST.4, 6-8.RST.7
  • CS CA: 3-5.AP.10, 3-5.AP.12, 3-5.AP.13, 3-5.AP.14, 3-5.AP.17, 6-8.AP.12, 6-8.AP.13, 6-8.AP.16, 6-8.AP.17
  • ISTE: 1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 6.b


***All lesson information is from

Shadow Ridge Middle School
12551 Holly Street
Thornton, Colorado 80241