NGMS Habits
of a Learner

Computer Apps

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

Tech Ed

7th Grade

8th Grade

Gmail/Google Docs

& Creating TurnIn Folder and Sharing

Infinite Campus


Typing Web

Sign into OneDrive

Sign Up for OneDrive

Dress Code 14-15


Hour of Code

Online Graphics

Social Media Tips


Hulstrom 8th Grade Computer Applications

Schoology Access Codes:                                     Course Syllabus

Period 3 code: XFWGX-ZVT55

Period 4 code: JQK4C-BXC52

Learning Target 1 (10 minutes):

Students will increase their speed and efficiency at keying to build muscle memory so when working on the computer, they will be able to focus on the work, and not the typing.

TE10S6: Technology Operations and Concepts

Learning Target 2

Fabulous Fun Friday - time for the hour of code!!!

"I can use Microsoft Word to create an advertisement about what planet we should colonize" Sample solar system start

Earlier Learning

"I can use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation about me!"

LAST DAY TO WORK, Save your link and share with me (copy and paste the email address into your share) - this is a communication grade for today.

Watch the presentation on the screen - follow the instructions here to complete it.

More topics

Bigger list

"I can use Microsoft Office to create documents to help me sense of reading assignment."

Read the following article

Now we will watch the video on how to get the article out of the advertising, to save and print AND add the URL so that you know where it came from.

"I can use tools on my computer to communicate using images."

  1. Stay logged in to Typing web, go to statistics> Typing Test Results
  2. Students follow directions on the Microsoft web site to use the Snipping Tool to capture their pretest scores in Typing Web.
  3. When the Snipping Tool opens, change to a Free Form Snip
  4. Using the scissors on the screen, cut out the chart
  5. Using the Pen tool, change the color and thickness of the pen, and write something you notice about your pretest on top of the image
  6. Save the snip to your H drive in an Apps2014 folder as:
  7. Log in to Schoology
  8. Click on our class
  9. Find the assignment for Screen Capture of Typing Pretest
  10. Click the Submit button on the right of your screen
  11. When the window opens, the center looks 'grayed out,' but if you roll the mouse over it, it shows the word 'File'
  12. When you click it, you can browse to your Apps2014 folder and upload the snip

"I can watch the last word on Online Safety by John Ship - watch, then prove you 'get it.'

"I can use an online image editor to create an image that reflects the current time of the year and upload it to an online classroom."

Log into Schoology and upload your image by clicking on your name and then clicking on the picture and choosing Edit picture. Attach an image from Sumo! If you are done with that image, please begin creating one with an online safety tip and picture.


"I can use the tools in Microsoft Word efficiently create and edit documents."

First - link on this document

We will watch a video about MS Word, and customize how it works for us including:

  1. Turning off Open in Protected View option
  2. Changing graphics to be square instead of in line
  3. Spell checking even words in all caps
  4. Change my Name and Theme
  5. Customizing and adding to the Quick Access Toolbar
    • Add:
      • New Document
      • Open
      • Save As
      • Print
      • Crop
    • Change the order to make the first three:
      • New
      • Open
      • Save
    • Remove:
      • Undo
      • Redo
      • Save


"I can make good online choices."

Go to the NSTeens Comics and do the activities.

"I can use an online graphics program to create an image for my Schoology."

Link to Sumopaint

Create a Halloween Graphic to use for your Schoology image!

Hints for SUMO:

"I am thinking more about Cyberbullying, and learning about specific things that I need to do to be safe online.

Students watch "Teens React to Amanda Todd"

10 Minute Debrief

"I can log onto an online class system"

Students link to Schoology using the code on the top of our page.

  1. Please make sure that your name is capitalized (first and last) - if you blew that, click on your name and go to the account settings and fix it (communications grade).
  2. If it is complete, please visit
TE10S1: Creativity and Innovation
TE10S4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
TE10S6: Technology Operations and Concepts

Students will bring home the COPPA permission form to let parents know that we are creating online accounts with some educational websites. If you would like a copy of the form there is also one here in English and in Spanish.

Not offered 4th Quarter

Typing Web Access & Instructions:
User Name: ngm+your ID# (ex: ngm9876321)
Password: Northglenn (capital N)

Please sit appropriately:
~ Sit up straight
~ Feet flat on the floor
~ Fingers on home row
~ Wrists not resting on the desktop

Same User Name & Password
as the Computer Network
GMail & Google Docs
work best in Google Chrome.
Same User Name & Password
as the Computer Network