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Welcome to the first lesson in the Programming 300 coding course! In this lesson, students will combine sequencing, conditional logic, and loops as they complete 12 puzzle modules about a dragon. Additionally, students will create and customize a dragon avatar! Below are code blocks you will encounter in this lesson. Read through them before getting started.
New Code Blocks
- : Move the Actor forward.
- : Make the Actor move up.
- : Repeat blocks inside this loop a specified number of times.
- : If the condition is true, then run the code inside the block.
- : Make the Actor eat objects.
- : Make the Actor destroy objects.
- : Make the Actor move down.
- : Make the Actor face the opposite direction.
- : Make the Actor repeat this loop until a true or false condition [boolean value] determines when the block should stop repeating the code inside it. In this lesson, the dragon will repeat blocks inside the loop until it reaches the treasure.
- Code: The language that tells the computer what to do
- Sequence: The order in which steps or events happen
- Actors: Tynker characters and objects that can talk and interact with each other
- Stage: The background of the project where the Actors are placed
- Command: A specific action or instruction that tells the computer to do something
- Loop: An action that repeats one or more commands over and over
- Counting loop: A loop that repeats one or more commands a specific number of times
- Condition: A logical expression that evaluates to true or false
- Conditional statement: A type of statement that executes different parts of the code based on whether a logical expression evaluates to true or false.
Students will use Problem Solving with Algorithms to...
- Apply sequencing logic to solve puzzles
- Use new code blocks to solve puzzles
- Use conditional logic to solve puzzles
Getting Started (10 minutes)
As a class, solve "Module 7: Forward. Fly Up.”:
Activities (50 minutes)
Facilitate as students complete the Introduction to Tynker modules on their own:
1. Introduction (Video)
- This short video introduces the Programming 300 coding course.
2. Intro Video (Video)
- Learn about the Tynker Workshop in this short video.
3. Puzzles Intro (Video)
- This short video introduces the puzzle module.
4. Selector (Video)
- Students will have 60 seconds to create a dragon.
5. Forward (Puzzle)
- This puzzle module introduces the “forward” block.
- Are students using too many “forward” blocks? Explain that the "forward" block in this lesson is different than "walk" blocks. The "forward" block will make the dragon move forward until it reaches an obstacle.
- Give a hint: Tell students to use only one "forward" block.
6. Fly Up (Puzzle)
- This puzzle module introduces the “fly up” block.
- Similar to the “forward" block, the "fly up" block will make the dragon keep flying up until it runs into an obstacle.
7. Forward. Fly Up. (Puzzle)
- Students can solve this puzzle using only “fly up” and “forward” blocks, but encourage them to reduce their lines of code by using the “repeat” block.
- Are students struggling with the “repeat” block?
- Tell them to write down the steps, work together, and identify the pattern before using any code blocks.
- Remind students the "repeat" block will repeat code blocks for a specified number of times, which is shown in the number inside the "repeat" block.
- Note that the value of the “repeat” block is set to the incorrect value of "2." Tell students to change the “repeat” block to the correct value of "3."
8. Eat and Blast (Puzzle)
- This puzzle module is more challenging than previous puzzles in this lesson, and introduces the “eat” and “blast” blocks.
- Tell students the "eat" block will make the dragon eat the fly in front of it and the "blast" block will make the dragon breathe fire (or ice) on the enemy.
- Tell students the two “if” blocks will run the code inside it if there is a firefly or fire knight in front of the dragon. Note: The dragon must eat a firefly in order to blast a knight.
9. Drop Down, Turn Around (Puzzle)
- This puzzle introduces the “go down” and “turn around” blocks.
- Tell students the "go down" block will make the dragon move down until it hits an obstacle and the "turn around" block will make the dragon face the opposite direction.
- Give students a hint: Tell students to run their code and then watch each code block get highlighted in green as the program runs. Tell students to check each step their dragon takes and make sure that the correct action is happening at the time that they want it to happen.
10. Defeat the Knight (Puzzle)
- To defeat the knight, students must program their dragon to eat a firebug then “blast” it at the fire knight.
- Remind students that the dragon needs to eat the bug four times and to check the number next to the bug to see how many bugs are available to eat.
11. Spiral Up (Puzzle)
- Students can complete this puzzle without using the "repeat" block, but encourage them to think through the steps that could be repeated to get the dragon to the treasure.
- If students are using a “repeat” block, tell them the pattern does not repeat perfectly and it is okay for the dragon to turn around when it gets to the treasure.
12. Ziggurat (Puzzle)
- This puzzle uses the “repeat until” block. Remind students that the “repeat until” block tells the character to do everything inside the loop again and again until a condition is met. In this case, the condition is the dragon reaching the treasure.
- Your students can solve this puzzle without the “repeat until” block, but encourage them to write down their steps and identify a repeating pattern.
13. Fly. Fly. Fly Up. (Puzzle)
- This puzzle uses the "if" block conditionals with the "repeat until" blocks.
- Encourage students to think out loud through their solution and write down the steps the dragon needs to take.
- Remind students the dragon needs to eat a bug before blasting a knight.
14. Get the Knights! (Puzzle)
- This puzzle uses all of the new blocks from this lesson.
- Give a hint: Tell students the dragon needs to eat a bug, turn around, then blast the knight.
15. Flags (Puzzle)
- Students need to code the dragon to complete a specified task at each flag in order to reach the treasure.
- Give a hint: Tell students to attach one “forward” block below the “on start” block.
- Are students still struggling? Tell them the dragon must do something different at each flag. For example, the dragon needs to “go down” at the first red flag and move forward at the second red flag
16. Power Up (Puzzle)
- Encourage students to think out loud through their solution and write down steps before adding code blocks.
- Give a hint: Tell students to attach one “fly up” block below the “on start” block. To move the dragon to the treasure, tell students to attach the “eat,” “blast,” “forward,” and “if” blocks inside one “repeat until” block.
- Remind students to eat flies before blasting the knight.
- Remind students that they can change the value inside the “repeat” block.
U.S. Standards
- K-12 CTSA Computer Science Standards (Revised 2017)
Computer Science Teachers Association:
- 1B-AP-10
- 1B-AP-11
- 1B-AP-12
- 1B-AP-15
- 2-AP-12
- 2-AP-13
- 2-AP-15
- 2-AP-16
- 2-AP-17
CCSS-Math: MP.1
- CCSS-ELA: RF.5.4.A, 6-8.RST.3, 6-8.RST.4, 6-8.RST.7
- CS CA: 3-5.AP.10, 3-5.AP.12, 3-5.AP.13, 3-5.AP.14, 3-5.AP.17, 6-8.AP.12, 6-8.AP.13, 6-8.AP.16, 6-8.AP.17
- ISTE: 1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 6.b