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Follow the Leader (Lesson 2)
In this lesson, you will learn how to make an Actor follow other Actors. Additionally, students will learn how to create different chase games!
New Code Blocks
- : Change the costume of the Actor.
- : Keep repeating the blocks inside this loop forever.
- : Make the Actor change the directions if the Actor reaches the edge of the screen.
- : Make the Actor disappear from the Stage.
- : Make the Actor appear on the Stage.
- : Move the Actor to the specified x- and y-coordinates on the Stage.
- : Returns a random number between the two specified parameters.
- : If the condition is true, then run the code inside the “if” section. Otherwise, run the code inside the “else” section.
- : Change the Actor’s costume to the specified one.
- : Repeat blocks inside this loop a specified number of times.
- : Stop playing all the scripts.
- Infinite loop: A loop that repeats one or more commands forever and does not end until the program stops
- Counting loop: A loop that repeats one or more commands a specific number of times
Students will...
- Use code blocks to make an Actor follow other Actors
- Create a chase game
- Computers, laptops, or mobile devices (1 per student) with student account access to Tynker.com
Warm-Up (15 minutes)
You are going to create chase games using Tynker! Turn to your neighbor and describe a chase game.
2. What do you think makes a good chase game? Is it the sound effects? The level of difficulty?
Activities (45 minutes)
1. Follow the Leader Example (Example)
- In this module, you will play a completed Follow the Leader project. You’ll create their own version of this project in the next module!
- How to move the racer: Drag your mouse pointer across the Stage. What happens when their racer touches the enemy spaceship?
- Click the red stop button to move on to the next module.
2. Follow the Leader (DIY)
- In this DIY (do-it-yourself) module, students will follow step-by-step directions to program a fun chase scene with a racer and spaceship!
- Coding activities include programming the racer’s animation and programming the spaceship to chase the racer.
- What happens when you bump the racer into walls?
3. Collect Items Example (Example)
- Play a completed Collect Items project. You will create your own version of this project in the next module!
- Are you moving your racer around the Stage to collect the orbs?
4. Collect Items (DIY)
- In this DIY project, you will program orbs to disappear when touched by the racer and reappear at random locations on the Stage!
- Did you finish early? Add different sound effects or try the bonus challenge in “Step 6” of the tutorial!
5. Collect the Orbs (Puzzle)
- To solve this puzzle module, you will need to program the racer to follow the mouse pointer (web) or touch location (mobile), and hide the orbs when the racer touches them.
- You need to program the racer and four orbs.
- HINT: The code for all orbs will be the same.
6. Chase Game Example (Example)
- In this module, you will play a completed Chase Game project. You’ll create your own version of this project in the next module!
- Collect the green orbs, but make sure to avoid the enemy spaceship! Once your racer touches the enemy spaceship, it’s game over!
7. Build a Chase Game (DIY)
- In this DIY project, you will create a chase game similar to the one you played in the previous module!
- How many orbs can your racers collect before they’re captured by the spaceship?
8. Survive the Graveyard Example (Example)
- In this module, you will play a completed Survive the Graveyard project that is similar to the racer chasing games. You’ll create your own version of this project in the next module!
- The game ends once the hero touches the ghost.
9. Survive the Graveyard (DIY)
- In this DIY project, you will create a survival game where the hero has to avoid the ghost and defeat zombies!
- Activities include programming the hero’s movements, making the hero attack zombies, and using event blocks to stop the game.
- Did you finish early? Add sound effects and music to their game! (Hint: Use the “play sound” code block).
Extended Activities (10 minutes)
More Practice
- Challenge students to apply concepts from this lesson to create an animal chase game. As a class, brainstorm different predator vs. prey animal scenarios. What are some of the different biomes the animals live in? Then, ask students to create their animal chase scenes using Tynker.
U.S. Standards
- K-12 CTSA Computer Science Standards (Revised 2017)
Computer Science Teachers Association:
- 1B-AP-10
- 1B-AP-11
- 1B-AP-12
- 1B-AP-15
- 2-AP-12
- 2-AP-13
- 2-AP-15
- 2-AP-16
- 2-AP-17
CCSS-Math: MP.1
- CCSS-ELA: RF.5.4.A, 6-8.RST.3, 6-8.RST.4, 6-8.RST.7
- CS CA: 3-5.AP.10, 3-5.AP.12, 3-5.AP.13, 3-5.AP.14, 3-5.AP.17, 6-8.AP.12, 6-8.AP.13, 6-8.AP.16, 6-8.AP.17
- ISTE: 1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 6.b