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Jumping Over Obstacles (4)
In this lesson, students will program an Actor to move up and down using a loop to change their y-position.
New Code Blocks
: Run code attached to this block when you press a specified key.
: Change the y-coordinate of an Actor by the specified number of units.
: Keep looping the code inside this block forever, but only if the parameter is true.
- Horizontal axis (x-axis): The line on a graph or coordinate plant that runs horizontally (left-right)
- Vertical axis (y-axis): The line on a graph or coordinate plant that runs vertically (up-down)
- Coordinate plane: A plane divided into four sections (quadrants) by two axes (x and y), where the axis intersect at a point (0,0) called the origin
- x-value: Horizontal (left-right) value along a coordinate plane
- y-value: Vertical (up-down) value along a coordinate plane
Students will...
- Use code blocks to program Actors to move up and down
- Apply coding concepts to move Actors using changes in y-values
1. Concepts (Video)
- This module introduces three new concepts: “change x/y by” block, “when key pressed” block, and “forever if” block.
- Optional: Read through the concepts as a class, answering potential student questions.
2. Make Gus Jump Example (Example)
- Students will view a project of Gus jumping, which they will create their own version of in the next module!
- Check that students are pressing the spacebar (for web) or touching their screen (for mobile) to make Gus jump.
3. Make Gus Jump (DIY)
- In this DIY project, students will program Gus to rise up with his jump, then fall back to the ground!
- Emphasize to students that the “when key pressed” block makes Gus jump when they press the spacebar (for web) or touch the screen (for mobile).
- Did students finish early? Encourage them to experiment with their code and make Gus jump and and down faster or slower. Give a hint: Tell students to change the value inside the “wait” block.
4. Make Gus Jump 2 (DIY)
- This DIY module is similar to the previous one, but it adds a “forever if” loop combined with the “key pressed?” condition.
- Gus will jump over and over if the space bar is held down (web) or if the screen is continuously tapped (mobile).
- Bonus: Encourage students to experiment with their code and make Gus go higher by changing the y-value or make Gus to slower by changing the wait time.
5. Jump Over Obstacles (Puzzle)
- To solve this puzzle module, students will need to fix the given code and program Gus to jump over the obstacles and stay alive for at least 20 seconds.
- Remind students that Gus can’t go too high into the air or he will float off into space!
- Give a hint: Tell students to change the value of the “change y by” blocks.
6. Jump on your Own Example (Example)
- Students will view an animated scene with a jumping alien, then create their own version in the next module!
- Tell students to click their spacebar (web) or tap their screen (mobile) to make the alien jump.
7. Jump on your Own (DIY)
- In this DIY project, students will follow step-by-step directions to create their own animated scene with a jumping alien!
- Is the alien not jumping? Check that your students modified the “wait” block to be “0.1” seconds or shorter. Otherwise, the animation will not work.
- Did students finish early? Direct their attention to the bonus section in “Step 5/5,” which encourages students to change the background and change the alien’s costume!
8. Quiz (Multiple-Choice)
- Students will answer 5 multiple choice questions to review concepts covered in this lesson.
U.S. Standards
- K-12 CTSA Computer Science Standards (Revised 2017)
Computer Science Teachers Association:
- 1B-AP-10
- 1B-AP-11
- 1B-AP-12
- 1B-AP-15
- 2-AP-12
- 2-AP-13
- 2-AP-15
- 2-AP-16
- 2-AP-17
CCSS-Math: MP.1
- CCSS-ELA: RF.5.4.A, 6-8.RST.3, 6-8.RST.4, 6-8.RST.7
- CS CA: 3-5.AP.10, 3-5.AP.12, 3-5.AP.13, 3-5.AP.14, 3-5.AP.17, 6-8.AP.12, 6-8.AP.13, 6-8.AP.16, 6-8.AP.17
- ISTE: 1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 6.b