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Creating a Scene (3)
Hope you brought dancing shoes! In this lesson, students will create an animated dance party! Activities include adding a scene with music, activating sounds by clicking or tapping on Actors, and animating characters. Note: Modules in this lesson include a listening component, so headphones (1 per student) are recommended.
Students will...
- Add sounds to Actors
- Use code blocks to activate sounds by clicking or tapping on Actors
- Use code blocks to animate Actors
1. Add Music Example (Example)
2. Add Music (DIY)
- In this DIY project, students will program a Jukebox Actor to play a tune!
- Did students finish fast? Change the background and add more Actors.
- Bonus: add more Actors playing different sounds at the same time.
3. Dancing Actor Example (Example)
4. Dancing Actor (DIY)
- Students will program an Alien Actor to dance to the Jukebox’s tune!
- Use the “when Actor clicked,” “forever,” “next costume,” and “wait” code blocks to program the Alien Actor to dance.
5. Match the Aliens (Puzzle)
- To solve this puzzle module, students will need to fix the costumes of the aliens so they all have the same costume.
- BIG HINT: Each alien needs to have a different “repeat” value. (e.g., “Alien 1” has a repeat value of “4,” whereas “Alien 2” has a repeat value of “3.”)
6. Dance Party Example (Example)
7. Animated Dance Party (DIY)
- Create your own animated dance party!
- Select YOUR OWN Actors and animate them to dance to music.
- Explore the Tynker Media Library and check out the variety of actors!
- Make it interesting - add more dancing Actors.
8. Musical Actors Example (Example)
9. Musical Actors (DIY)
- Create your own scene with musical characters that generate different sounds!
- What sound would make sense for your Actors?
- Finish early? Create new costumes that will make your own animations!
U.S. Standards
- K-12 CTSA Computer Science Standards (Revised 2017)
Computer Science Teachers Association:
- 1B-AP-10
- 1B-AP-11
- 1B-AP-12
- 1B-AP-15
- 2-AP-12
- 2-AP-13
- 2-AP-15
- 2-AP-16
- 2-AP-17
CCSS-Math: MP.1
- CCSS-ELA: RF.5.4.A, 6-8.RST.3, 6-8.RST.4, 6-8.RST.7
- CS CA: 3-5.AP.10, 3-5.AP.12, 3-5.AP.13, 3-5.AP.14, 3-5.AP.17, 6-8.AP.12, 6-8.AP.13, 6-8.AP.16, 6-8.AP.17
- ISTE: 1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 6.b