Shadow Ridge Middle School Computer Science

Tynker 101

Mrs. Hulstrom


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Programming 101 Positioning Actors!

In this lesson, students will learn how to position objects using x- and y-coordinates. Activities include moving objects to a specified position using “glide” blocks and moving objects by changing their x/y position.

New Code Blocks

  •  : Move the Actor to the specified x- and y-coordinates on the Stage.
  •  : Glide the Actor to the specified x- and y-coordinates over a specified length of time.
  •  : Change the x-coordinate of an Actor by the specified number of pixels.
  •  :Change the y-coordinate of an Actor by the specified number of pixels.


  • Horizontal axis (x-axis): The line on a graph or coordinate plane that runs horizontally (left-right)
  • Vertical axis (y-axis): The line on a graph or coordinate plane that runs vertically (up-down)
  • Coordinates: A set of x- and y- values that show the exact position of an object
  • Coordinate plane: A plane divided into four sections (quadrants) by two axes (x and y), where the axes intersect at a point (0,0) called the origin
  • x-value: Horizontal (left-right) value along a coordinate plane
  • y-value: Vertical (up-down) value along a coordinate plane

Objectives - Students will...

  • Apply coding concepts to move Actors to specific screen locations using x- and y-values
  • Apply coding concepts to move Actors left and right using changes in x-values, and up and down using changes in y-values
  • Create a game with falling characters that need to be caught


  • Professor Ada gives a visual and interactive introduction, but emphasize remember that:
      • The horizontal axis (x-axis) runs left to right
      • while the vertical axis (y-axis) runs up and down
      • Negative x-values (e.g., -200) position Actors on the left side of the Stage, while positive x-values (e.g., 200) position Actors on the right side of the Stage.
      • Negative y-values position Actors on the lower half of the Stage, while positive y-values position Actors on the upper half of the Stage.
      • You can make a number negative by putting a minus sign (-) in front of the number.
      • x/y-coordinates always execute the x-value before the y-value.

Activities (45 minutes)

1. Placing Actors on the Stage (Video)
  • Students will watch a short video where Dr. Glitch keeps popping up all over the stage. Professor Ada explains: “You can place an Actor at any spot on the Stage using two numbers.” This is the key concept in this lesson, and a very important concept in mathematics as well.
2. Movement Blocks (Video)
  • This module introduces three coding concepts:
    • “Go to x, y” block- This block moves an Actor’s center to the specified point (x, y) on the Stage.
    • "Glide" block- This block moves an Actor more slowly to the specified point (x, y) on the Stage.
    • "Change x/y by" block- This block changes the Actor’s x-position and y-position.
3. Stars Example 1 (Example)
  • Students will view an example of an interactive project about moving Actors.
  • To move the stars, tell students to click (for web) or tap (for mobile) the stars.
4. Positioning the Stars (DIY)
  • This module guides students through the process of how to move Actors around the Stage in a variety of ways!
  • Coding activities include lining up the star Actors using the “go to” code block and moving the star Actors with the “glide to” block.
  • Tell students to turn on the grid lines by selecting the grid button that’s located below the middle of the Stage. Note: As you move your mouse pointer or finger around the Stage, there is a pair of numbers below the Stage that is constantly changing. These are the x- and y- values for the location of the mouse pointer or touch location.

5. Stars Example 2 (Example)
  • In this module, students will view an example of a project that positions 3 more stars.
  • Check that students are clicking (for web) or tapping (for mobile) the stars.
6. Complete Positioning the Stars (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will sharpen their motion skills by programming 3 more stars and circles!
  • Students will need to move the star Actors to their matching circles, change the x- and y-values, and use “go to” or “glide to” code blocks to move the star Actors.
  • Check that students are following the directions in the left panel to turn on the grid lines.
  • Did students finish early? Direct their attention to “Step 4/4” of the tutorial, which includes a Bonus activity.
7. Animating Actors Example (Example)
  • In this module, students will view an example of an interactive project of an animated apple and cloud!
  • Tell students to click (for web) or tap (for mobile) the apple to make it drop.
8. Animating Actors (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will follow step-by-step directions to program a simple animation that illustrates the passage of time!
  • Activities include programming an apple Actor to fall to the ground, and animating cloud Actors to float across the sky.
  • Did students finish early? Encourage them to add some music!
9. Clouds and Apples Example (Example)
  • In this module, students will view an example of a project that includes more clouds and apples!
  • Remind students that they need to click (for web) or tap (for mobile) the apples to make them drop.
10. Add More Clouds and Apples (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will expand upon their last DIY project by adding more apples and clouds!
  • Students can either use “Add Actor” and then copy and paste the code blocks over from the previous apple and cloud, or use the Edit menu’s “Duplicate Actor” option to create the new apple and cloud Actors.
  • Encourage students to turn on the grid lines to help them figure out the x- and y-values that they need in various spots.
  • Optional: Encourage students to get creative and have the new apple defy gravity and “fall” up or smash into the castle!
11. Go to the Gems (Puzzle)
  • To solve this puzzle module, students will need to use three “glide to” blocks to make the helicopter glide to each gem, but make sure to avoid the airship! Note: Using the “point” block is optional.
  • Give a hint: Tell students to make the x- and y-values on the “glide to” block match the numbers on the gem.
12. Falling Actors Example (Example)
  • In this module, students will view an example of a falling Actors game!
  • Check that students are tapping (for mobile) or clicking (for web) the Actors to catch them.
13. Catch the Falling Actors (DIY)
  • In this DIY project, students will create a game with falling Actors! Activities include adding different Actors, programming the Actors to fall, and programming the Actors to go back to their original positions when clicked or tapped.
  • Are the Actors not falling? Check that students are using a negative number for their “change y by” block.
  • Are the Actors falling too quickly? Check that students are using a “wait” block.
  • Did students finish early? Encourage them to work with a neighbor to see if their game is too easy or too hard to win. How can they modify their code to improve the game?
14. Quiz (Multiple-Choice)

U.S. Standards

  • K-12 CTSA Computer Science Standards (Revised 2017)
    Computer Science Teachers Association:
    • 1B-AP-10
    • 1B-AP-11
    • 1B-AP-12
    • 1B-AP-15
    • 2-AP-12
    • 2-AP-13
    • 2-AP-15
    • 2-AP-16
    • 2-AP-17
  • CCSS-Math: 2.OA.B.2, 3.NBT.A.2, 4.NBT.A.2, MP.1, MP.2, MP.4
  • CCSS-ELA: RF.1.1, RF.2.4, RF.2.4.A, RF.3.4.A, RF.4.4.A, RI.2.6
  • CS CA:K-2.AP.12, K-2.AP.13, K-2.AP.16, 3-5.AP.13, 3-5.AP.14, 3-5.AP.17
  • ISTE: 1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 7.c
Shadow Ridge Middle School
12551 Holly Street
Thornton, Colorado 80241