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Micro:Bits care and components:
- Keep them all together as you are responsible for all of your kit's components!
- If your kit is missing anything or was not put away correctly, tell me immediately
- Only take out the ones you need that day
- "They took my ..." does not work as an acceptable excuse - the fine will be on you.
- Steps for putting them away:
- Start with Kit A:
- Wind up the USB cable as it shows in the image above
- Put the cable back in the small baggie or use the twist tie
- Put the Micro:Bit in on top
- Seal the box
- Next Kit B:
- Take all 10 alligator clips and hold them aligned with one hand hanging down:
- Next, wind them loosly around your fingers:
- Then, slide them off your hand and pinch them with your thumb and fingers:
- Now, put the twist tie around the rolled up cables:
- That goes in the bottom of the B Box
- Then take care of the other connection wires - There are 20 of them! Hold them in one hand:
- Twist them around in a circle, and pinch them between your thumb and finger:
- Now stuff them into the other plastic bag, or put the twist tie on them, they go in the B box next!
- Last: In the tiny plastic bag,are where the gears and screws for the servo mini motor are kept:
- That tiny bag should have 4 plastic parts and 3 tiny black screws - zip it shut!
- Then, put the tiny plasic bag into the bigger plastic bag, and add the Speaker, Servo motor, to the bag and zip it!
- Put it on the top in the B Box, and seal it up!!!!